It’s a quad digital delay with a bunch of patch points in its sprawling 42HP. But Xaoc Devices’ new Samarkanda and its audio buffer can transform into a lot more, from granulators to loopers to resonators – basically, anything you can build out of its four independent delays. It might be the most powerful re-patchable effect we’ve ever seen.
Read moreSinevibes’ unmistakable, BBD-inspired Integer delay is available today across a variety of KORG hardware devices. That means the prologue, minilogue xd, and even the pocket NTS-1 (original and mkII) and NTS-3. It’s a must-have pocket delay or synth add-on.
Ableton Live 12.2 is in public beta today, with some major welcome features. Bouncing is easier, Auto Filter gets its biggest update since it came out, and there are new generative harmonic features, Meld and Roar updates, Push enhancements, and more. Here’s your guide.
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