Inside the Dune 2 score with Osmose and Hans Zimmer

A sequel is only worth its weight in spice if it can best the original. For Dune 2, Hans Zimmer and his team went further with their electronic instrumentation to immerse us even deeper in otherworldly sounds. Now we get some insights into how they did it, and why the Expressive E Osmose was a starring player.

Betty Apple, sci-fi, mermaids, volcanoes, techno, time travel: album + interview

Betty Apple’s Taiwan Bay Be is a full-length album exploring Taiwanese identity, time travel, sound, and the cosmic. Released this year on our Establishment, Betty is now in Berlin for a live presentation on Wednesday – and she has a lot to say, from unpacking the mermaid fairy tail to imagining science fiction futures and sound’s relationship to “God” and life after death.

Peter Kirn - June 25, 2024

User interface for Creature From the ID, featuring dials, VU meters, and a hexagonal organization with oscillators on the two sides and mixing and send controls at the center.

Creature from the ID lets you live your 50s sci-fi soundtrack fantasies

The latest Giorgio Sancristoforo creation is an instrument inspired by the self-generating electronic circuits of Louis and Bebe Barron. Voyage to a Forbidden Planet on your computer.

Peter Kirn - June 9, 2024

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