Close-p of vintage TB-303 hardware showing "Computer-Controlled" logo and knobs. "Old Roland TB-303" by Alexandre Dulaunoy is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

303 Day: the freaky CDM Megaroundup

It’s 303 Day. Roland is giving away licenses for its TB-303 plug-in if you act fast. The Internet, for its part, will make you feel like you’re actually on acid. Let’s go.

Imaginando TV3 acid synth and bassline generator, free through Dec 1

Imaginando has made a brutal 303 acid synth, complete with a melody generator that supports dragging clips to your host. And it’s free through December 1.

Peter Kirn - November 25, 2024

Modor DR-2, Belgian beast of a drum machine, now does basslines, too

Modor’s DR-2 is a monster truck of digital drum machines. Apart from being massive physically, it’s got brutal sounds — aggressive filters, pounding kicks — and its developer keeps packing in more. The latest update now adds bass models to the many features lurking behind this panel.

Peter Kirn - October 14, 2024

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