
We’ve been avidly following the development of Thrill for quite a while now, and are very excited to hear from Michael that the commercial release is this week. But first, a little housekeeping: As a grand opening for the 3L store, CreateDigitalMotion has 5 copies of the software to give away! Much like the Beta giveaway, the rules are simple.

Your machine will need to meet the 3L minimum specs:

2GHz or faster Intel Core processor
MacOS X 10.4.9 or later QuickTime 7.0.4 or later
2GB or more of RAM
CoreImage capable AGP, PCI Express or Intel graphics processor with at least 256MB of VRAM w/ OpenGL hardware acceleration.
Minimum Screen Resolution 1440 x 960 (which therefore excludes the macbook)

… and you’ll need to leave a comment on this post in the next 48 hours.

In return, 4 winners will receive a 3L Student – single-machine – license (worth €150) , and one will receive 3L Pro , which is a 3-machine license (worth €200) and includes native uDMX support, for controlling VMS or other DMX hardware.

After the competition closes, I have it on good authority that The Wait Is Over, and 3L will be available for all and sundry to try out and purchase with Much Abandon. I also have several hours of footage of Michael taking us on a detailed tour of Thrill at ByteMeFest in Perth last year, so I’ll be going on a mad editing binge in the hope of having this available to help out those who download the demo later this week.

In the meantime: Hit the comments, check out some samples from the 3L Loops series on, and visit the 3L site for more information.

Update: Entries are now closed. Thanks to everyone who entered. The volume and quality of comments has been overwhelming! It’s really fantastic to see all of these readers come out of the woodwork. I think we’ll have to give more things away so we can hear from you all (Software and hardware developers, you know where to contact us…).

In the meantime, winners will be announced this time tomorrow, to coincide with the 3L store launch. So if you don’t win you’ll be able to try out the demo and even buy a copy!

212 responses to “Thrill Giveaway: artificialeyes' Generative Performance Tool Released This Week”

  1. Awesome ! It is time to boogie 😉

  2. ronin says:

    Finally – a chance to fire up the beast.

  3. mark hill says:

    What a fantastic looking bit of kit :-)))
    My machine certainly has those specs hint hint

  4. makemassair says:

    Well well. This is sounding good. The software sounds cool, and from what I've seen of it I reckons it's going to do very well.

  5. Korhan Erel says:

    My new Macbook, on its way from the US, has these specs and a 500GB LaCie drive to go with it. The only missing piece is 3L. 😉

  6. Jerry Pettersson says:

    it's going to be a Thrill to vist the 3L store this week!

  7. Burcu Koray says:

    Good goin' guys!!! Looks thrillin' indeed! Good luck and congratulations; greetings from sunny Colorado – B

  8. can soysal says:

    Oh god, waiting for long time. it's a great opportunity:)

  9. vjwunderkind says:

    mbp here -would love to play around with 3L

  10. Hey:Can't wait to put some work on it.

  11. OrT says:

    FreeJays Audiovisual Partycollective is dying to try this baby out!

    We have a live video demo planned, wouldn't it be freggin awesome to use it live on the dvd? :]

  12. WOW! Really good news! Anxious to experiment it!

  13. kris c says:

    I can't wait to show off some of my new videos at a party.

  14. VJ MAROON says:

    I am a student VJ in Japan and I want to use it in our regular club event next month! This is a great opportunity!

  15. Sam says:

    count me in.

  16. Po'Start says:

    I'm craving for it!
    I'm already use their midi bridge for iphone which is really usefull.

  17. Mo says:

    yeha, 3L is an extrem powerful app :):)

  18. Chris C says:

    Excited for another chance to experience 3L before the release. Specs met with MBP. By the way, Happy Memorial Day to everyone!

  19. shakinda says:

    yes please!!

  20. Shane says:

    Gimme Gimme Gimme

  21. vj bonk says:

    Nice! I hope that I am picked, I have been anxiously awaiting this release for a long time, Arkaos just does not cut it anymore this seems like a step in the right direction!

  22. mr. nobody says:

    Yahoo! Can't wait to get my grubby paws on it!

  23. Stephan says:

    have been following this for quite some time now!
    would really like having this program!!

  24. Takis says:

    Ready to play, captain!
    We've got the power!

  25. rob d says:

    Yay! I can't wait to check it out!

  26. Daniel Valle says:

    fuck yeahhh dudes its time to 3l !!!!!!!!1

  27. 3lab_VJ says:

    3L… is a app for the people of 3lab. Thanks and respect for developing VJ-apps for mac!!!

  28. give it to me baby, a ha a ha

  29. Paul R says:

    I'd love to get a copy of that. Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. Maciek says:

    ok, if this is a giveaway then I want one

  31. neva says:

    Finally! best regards to

  32. NIC_tech says:


  33. NarcoVideo says:

    Please please please!!!

    Let me entertain the world

  34. Dalini says:

    yeah guys time to rumble! 😉 hope some things got even better then in the beta! thats fucking 3ling!

  35. says:

    finally generative synthesized visuals at our fingertips, why not try that with a mo-cap suit

  36. Lut Lei says:

    I'm curious and interested;)

  37. Slim says:

    This program is definitely a must have. Fantastic !! Will definitely add to our VJ arsenal. Good Job.

  38. mesjacox says:

    Sweet! sounds like a plan!

  39. cat says:

    Me Too!

  40. phasor101 says:


    we must do a comparative with other soft like VDMX (my fovorite for now), 3l with the DMX control, it will be a great solution for take the adventages of the VNS system (i have my DIY VMS and control with Max/MSP) and use one single soft and computer…

    Great stuff from AE!


  41. Jim Warrier says:

    Waheey been waiting to get my hands on this.

    PAir it up with the iphone and i'll be away.

  42. VJ Oxyodo says:

    Ansious to get my Mac in beginning of July, and tryout 3L. Hope to win 🙂

  43. sebastian says:

    can't wait!!

  44. great initiative from you guys !!!!! it's time to introduce 3L to belgium 😉



  45. vjlab says:

    It's good:))

  46. Toby Dixon says:

    Count me in.


  47. Mark Yuen says:

    Wowee, I'm stoked that this give away is really happening.

  48. Nice, can't wait to use it!

    Guerrilla Projections

  49. Damn, i want that 🙂

  50. vanzo says:

    oh finally! i'm waiting it …great promo, the free loops was very cool.
    (under costruction)

  51. exiledsurfer says:

    a little birdie told me about one of the new features in the commercial release:

  52. Davebv says:

    Oh!!! nice, my new MBP it's perfect only missing 3L 🙂


  53. Can't wait to get our hands on a copy of this so we can cook up some concentrated visual solutions for the visual mind.

  54. augentier says:

    yay i'd love a copy. i already have the samples and was planning to use a few in a gig on saturday. the real thing would be nicer tho 🙂

  55. vorg says:

    3Ling! But I'm feeling lucky! 🙂

  56. Pao says:

    Hi, I'm a VJ and normally using Modul8.
    Few days ago I managed to use this software with my ipod touch.
    Let's rock !

  57. LordBanjo says:

    3L = Luminous Lantern Lust!

  58. Paul says:

    *raising his hand* Oooh, ooh, pick me please! Shiny new 2.5Ghz MPB waiting to be challenged.

  59. sbn.. says:

    Just putting in a ticket for this giveaway – interesting software! (brand new MBP as well). Take care!

  60. kelepce says:

    that would be my will, my future, my survival

  61. sull says:

    sweet. fun. must have.

  62. massta says:

    pick me, pick me, pick me

  63. Phaustino says:

    Can't wait to try it!!
    I'm a modul8 user, but i'm always looking for new apps to expand my vjset.

    P.S.: Pick me

  64. james says:

    I've been eager to try out this software for something like two years now. Congrats on its imminent release Michael.

  65. Matthew says:

    Man, I'd love a copy of this software to give me a kick start with my VJ sets!

  66. aienn says:

    Well, like, totally likeable giveaway! Count me in 🙂

  67. felix says:

    me please!

  68. Beebles says:

    Sweet! My old VJ application stopped development, so I'm in need of the new-new! (Coupled with my new Macbook Pro I'm hyped on this giveaway!)

  69. Asaf says:

    Been waiting for this for a very long time.
    Looks like a perfect tool for the VJ job.

  70. help my mbp and give it some resource intensive app, because right now it's very bored.

  71. Fuzzee says:

    Sweet live video candy goodness. Even if I don't win, I'm sure I'll be buyin' a copy soon!

  72. AVoid says:

    all my base 😀

  73. Paul Pryor Lorentz says:

    Summer of Sam…Summer of George…Summer of 3L.

  74. videogink says:

    this looks awesome. i want it!

  75. Lee says:

    sirop d'érable

  76. Przemion says:

    Sweet… Count me in. 😀
    This could be great fun.

  77. nausea says:

    i'm in too!!!
    and in case i win the license i will make it run on my linux box:)

  78. Andreea says:

    Trill Me!!

  79. scott says:

    looks like it could be pretty cool. at the very least i'm looking forward to a demo

  80. Frazzler says:

    Time to check out the handiwork, just need to win the comp and take 2 weeks off work to test the metal, 3Ling.

  81. A+ says:

    Looks promising.

  82. Martha Poly says:

    let me put my hands on that cutie!

  83. amsonx says:

    i hope to win

  84. Megan says:

    Sign me up please, I'm ready to take it to the next level.

  85. hiltmeyer says:

    yop seems like a lot of fun.would love to get one.

  86. blackthizz says:

    i have tons of shows coming up! super ready for a new program. my apple OCTO will put THRILL to the test!

  87. ECH3L0N says:

    It's Christmas already! :p

  88. mxl says:

    dreams come true )

  89. Janos says:

    1© 3L 4Me, P13453

  90. Jody M says:

    I missed out last time and I'd be simply 3Led to win.

    I offer a 3D interactive world of pleases and thank yous!

  91. Titu@ says:

    me me me meeee!!!

  92. Willy says:

    and on the 7th day God said. "Damn, tomorrow's Monday."

  93. anatomic says:

    respect for thrill hope in the new software!

  94. spbaker says:

    yippee the wait is over!!

  95. vjMediUm says:

    Can't wait to try out the dmx part of this new software.
    With an Iphone and Thrill the future of clubbing looks Brigther.

  96. Martin says:

    this looks great! i got to try this out!

  97. pixelputty says:

    looking forward to checking this out!

  98. ohlim says:

    I'm In!

  99. Jane S says:

    Haha 104 comments!
    Never before did cdm have more comments i think. What a thrill!
    Cances that i ll win this one are 1 to 100. maybe finally i ll win a contest.

  100. curt g says:

    Having done motion graphics using Motion and After Effects I'm eagar to check this out.

  101. chaos theory says:

    eagerly awaiting release and it seems the minimum specs dropped…yeah.

  102. cplr300 says:

    looks very promising! I hope the vj gods bestow me with such a gift!

  103. Maxim says:

    good tool, lets play =)

  104. Paul says:


  105. Donleavy says:

    Generative visuals – I have been looking for this for a long time. Sign me up!

  106. CongoZombie says:

    I could so do with this…

  107. RebelPhoton says:

    March'08 MBP model here and crossing my fingers….

  108. Gareth says:

    Absolutely, count me in – thrilled to be in with a chance 🙂

  109. Junkie says:

    The Big Change Come Out!

  110. Flux says:

    Wow, a chance at getting this for free? I've been following 3L's development for a while now. Wondering when I would get the chance to use it live myself, to add a new component to my VJ sets.

  111. SK says:

    Great to hear it's finally under sunlight!
    Even greater to give away some of it for free to mortals!
    I'm 3Led!!!!

  112. 0x80 says:

    ooooooh yea! hook me up with the good stuff!!

  113. Strangeglow says:

    Wow… I hope I win.

  114. INflussi says:

    Wow if I get this I'll get I'll definitely upgrade my memory.

  115. N!X says:

    Bin waiting long time… give me a freebee! (please)

  116. HDFK says:

    I deserve it. Fullstop

  117. Invisible Academic says:

    Oh boy, I fancy a free copy of this amazing looking software

  118. Zef says:

    Oui Oui, très hâte. Looks nice

  119. Jarrad says:

    Thrilled for Thrill

  120. Dave Watson says:

    no whammies.

  121. ChuckEye says:

    Count me in!

  122. mememamo says:

    count me in also 😛 would love to give this a whirl

  123. urk says:

    want it too!!!!! wow

  124. monobrau says:


  125. motionmonk says:

    Sounds like a great tool; either way, it will be nice to check this out.

  126. anthony guterac says:

    santiago , chile needs!!! thrill!!!

  127. Simulcast says:

    I too am keen for this, seems like everyone is 🙂
    love + pixels

  128. kbward says:

    Looks like an interesting piece of software.

  129. mengland says:

    Looks cool.

  130. zacislost says:

    Posting so I can win a license and be cool like Jaymis.. he's so dreamy..



  131. PreyStereo says:

    There would be only one thing I would want more than a free license to Thrill…a free license to Thrill AND a cookie. Nah, forget the cookie.

  132. Kapser says:

    Wow, really good. I'm really curious to experiment with this beast.

  133. .lov. says:

    Ohh, it is a very good news 🙂

  134. MisterQ says:

    Can't wait to play with it 😉

  135. Lau 2d says:

    I wanna play your body!

    – btw i think the human body is one of the best 3d interfaces ever built…

  136. ERNST FYET says:

    HELL YEAH!! I can´t wait to get my hands on this software. VMS and DMX whoah!! Lightman is going by by!

  137. Alfred says:

    Looking forward to it!

  138. quota says:

    oh yeah!! finally it's comin'…
    and i want it, i want it , i want it!

  139. narkoba says:

    Saya suka vj tools
    khususnya waktu mereka ialah free
    mencintai anda orang!!

    narkoba djebala

  140. Danger says:

    in the last 2 months i have buy 3 macbook pro and i have been testing software but till now i just have been wasting money becouse none fits me 🙁 can you help me maintain my mac's ? 🙂

  141. bilderbuchi says:

    thanks for the great giveaway 🙂

  142. qwty says:

    this is rockin..
    would be nice to see decent 3d on mac…outta max/msp

  143. nobbystylus says:


  144. ruzgar gokce gozum says:


  145. rox6937 says:

    this sounds really cool!
    i need a new toy to keep me occupied. =)

  146. txo!? says:

    oh yesss!

    good year for the VJ apps

  147. gavspav says:

    Looks good. Like to get into the DMX side of things±

  148. sergi palau (vj waky says:

    can,t wait more to test it in my new macbook pro!!!!

  149. Niklas says:

    really cool. i want one!

  150. Anne says:

    Artificial Eyes Rulez!!

  151. 639me says:

    luxury problem: mbp 2.6 or mp 2*2? both meet specs, and i'm a light designer. BUT i feel i don't deserve it… good luck everyone!

  152. stefkeB says:

    My Powerbook G4 is probably not enough and my desktop is a Dell. Good luck to the others 😉

  153. Manu says:

    I want to try this one!!

  154. Oh yeah… bring it on!

  155. badmindtime says:

    looking forward to it!

  156. Grovenstien says:

    The touch is ready, the mac is ready, Custom scanners are ready and i am almost ready! lets go!

  157. rupture says:

    Give it to me, or myself, or I

  158. oscar marulanda says:

    id like to fire up great visuals with that !!

  159. Steve W says:


  160. taperecorder says:

    I'm totally excited to combine dmx lighting control with live visuals, what a great program

  161. format.k says:

    woohoo!!! yeah baby!

  162. Wiley says:

    comment comment comment 🙂

  163. Abdul Smooth says:

    Exciting! Glad to see that its finally being released commercially 🙂 Also – look how many people posted comments on this thread; nice to know that CDM readers are still around aplenty, despite them not posting ooooodles of comments on a regular basis!


  164. Alex says:

    I'm ready to win this contest 🙂

  165. vic says:

    hello, i'd like 3l whoo hoo, i love beta giveaways

  166. decolora says:

    i´m watting for 3l long time ago!!!!
    let´s vjing!!!

  167. Luc meisel says:

    I wanna have one, Puhlease with sugar and Hilton honey on it.

  168. zebbler says:

    ??? ?? ???????? ???????? ????????! ????? ????? ?????!


  169. Nirom says:

    Looks amazing. Can't wait to get my hands on this thing.

  170. So I was given a second chance to try and get 3L on BricKTable… keep up the good work guys!

  171. Zyler says:

    Thrill looks awesome!

    I hope to hear from you with my copy. (:

  172. DJ TJ says:

    3L look to be awesome. I can't wait to use it with my Lemur.

  173. Anthony Lavado says:

    This is pretty much the last thing I need to complete my setup!

  174. memo says:

    another comment in the sea of comments…

  175. exiledsurfer says:

    don't despair…when the comments hit 200, it's still a 1 in 40 chance of winning. Thanks for all the great comments peeps… we're floored by the response!

    just for clarification for people mentioning the dmx support:

    3L (and by default, SUPPORTS ONLY Video Mirror Units Manufactured by VMS. The sliders configured to control up to 10 seperate groups of vmu's are configured to the DMX numbering specification to control vms units. If you want to control OTHER fixtures with the DMX module sliders, those fixtures will have to be numbered according to our non-configureable schematic. Secondly, this vms support is available ONLY with the uDMX microcontroller from which has been reviewed here at cdm.

    Other aspects and features of 3L are not controlleable via dmx, and it is unlikely that we will be adding that feature in the future.

    If you are interested in using the iCUE or a DIY fixture, its not that it WON'T work, it's that we won't be supporting it actively.

    Again, thanks to all for the GREAT comments and all the interest… as soon as the giveaway is over, we will be going live with the store, and the demo version will also be available for you all to play with. To clarify further pricing and licensing options for 3L:

    THRILL PRO license with uDMX support: Three machine license, 200 Euro.

    This license enables you to serialize the software on three distinct computers, and enables the uDMX module for ONLY vms support.

    THRILL STUDENT / EDUCATION license with no uDMX support: Single machine license, 150 Euro

    This license enables you to serialize the software on one computer. It is not possible to upgrade to the THRILL PRO license later, and it is not possible to move the license to a second computer.

    THRILL DEMO The free trial of 3L is a fully functioning version of the software with the following limitations:

    1. The 2nd (Full-Screen) Output is time limited to 5 minutes of operation after entering Full-Screen mode.

    2. The DVR (record to disc) is disabled.

    3. Firewire Output is disabled.

    4. The Output Preview Screen is watermarked.

    5. The uDMX module is disabled

    Otherwise, all other Features are fully enabled, including preset saving

    Oh yeah, don't forget to join the 3LRS User Forum

    Peace, Out…

  176. Sparragus says:

    Hello, World!

  177. fatcat says:

    cool! 🙂

    Trill me…plz!

  178. Helen says:

    pick me!

  179. Time Squid says:

    This would revitalize my brainwaves into spastik funtastik dance-video material!!

  180. Grandma G says:

    Wow!!! Coool!!!!!

  181. papa matt says:

    Hot Damn, that looks sweet

  182. Tuna Salad says:


  183. Aux Armes says:

    Count us in if it's not too late.

  184. BadNraD says:

    totally kewl dewd, totally rewd, totally newd

  185. VJ Bobo says:

    Yeah, Create Digital Motion rocks. Cheers,

  186. Spongehead says:

    need this , really need this

  187. John Reynolds says:

    Dying to have this!

  188. cicada says:

    Much success to the propagation of you imaginative software.

  189. JackAttack says:

    I want!

  190. Mr. Lulo says:

    Great offer, I will like to put my hands on it.

  191. sid barcelona says:

    I love this site!
    3L me!

  192. pixelflip says:

    loves me some 3L(s)~!!

  193. Eric Barry Drasin says:


  194. beatfix says:

    Thanks for the giveaway, I'll rub my Kaoss Pad for luck… 😉

  195. J.E JIM says:

    Lets do this. I want to put this software to work at church!

  196. downunder says:

    visual 3L from the southern hemisphere…

  197. zèN says:

    can't wait to put my eyes on ..

  198. aetherbits says:

    Cool! I want to play with that!

  199. Me me me me me!

  200. […] response to our 3L Giveaway was amazingly extensive, and also very exciting to see the names and websites of so many visualists […]

  201. […] public links >> coreimage Thrill Giveaway: artificialeyes’ Generative Performance Tool Released This Week Saved by edusito on Mon 06-10-2008 Core Image Filters Saved by augstu on Sun 05-10-2008 what is […]