Ableton has been updating a lot of its Max for Live Devices this summer, including CV Tools and now Microtuner. Compatibility with standalone mode on the new Push is a must, of course, but there are enhancements for everyone, too.

Iftah Gabbai reports on this one. Microtuner has now been refactored to make it fully compatible with standalone mode on Push 3. And you can export Scala files, too. He’s made this nice little demo video:

And the triangular visualization there comes from Pyr, Iftah’s free 12-voice string model, which pairs nicely as it has both polyphonic tuning support and MPE compatibility. I think Pyr has also been updated with Push standalone support.

To catch you up on that one:
CV Tools alone is worth another update soon, but I know the full version of CV Tools is now available for all users. (When I reviewed the new Push, the bundled copy was CV Tools Lite.) I’ll go into more detail on that shortly, but on the new hardware , you can now select outputs for each device directly on the Push interface.

I do think there will be some fringe benefits for owners of original Push and Push 2 hardware as Max for Live developers look at updates, as it’s an opportunity to reexamine how control mappings work on the hardware.

But yeah, Microtuner and Pyr are really nice to use. I also recommend checking exploring tunings in Leimma & Apotome, and/or doing some other research (like talking to musicians), to give yourself some context around the tunings you use! I wrote a bit longer on that topic last time, but on balance, I do like having Microtuner’s clean interface once you do have a tuning you want to use.