For all the potential for app overload, sometimes what makes the iPad powerful is that one killer app. And MorphWiz 2, with sample analysis, an arpeggiator, and new modulation, filter, envelope, and effects sections, could be that killer app for synthesis and sound design. It’s a spectral morphing powerhouse.
Read moreRoger Linn didn’t just develop the LinnStrument and then check out. He’s provided a steady stream of musical advice both of his own makings and from the device’s user community – all while being a driving force in MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE). The latest video is a must-watch addition to that ongoing series.
Modeled resonators, formants, waveshapers, filters, delays, all with extensive modulation: Synestia takes the unparalleled sonic shapers from creator Brian Clevinger’s Plasmonic and brings it to any input signal.
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