Users are already getting their hands on vjay from Algoriddim, a VJ app for the iPad. The novelty is clear: vjay’s features aren’t so different from a typical VJ app of a few years ago, but fitting that on an ultra-compact, touchable tablet is another matter. Readers of this site responded negatively to a lot of vjay’s limitations, and I don’t think this is necessarily the last word on what the iPad as visual instrument might be. (Indeed, I hope not.) But what’s nice about these two hands-on videos is, knowing what vjay can’t do, you do get a bit of a look at what it can.

At top, CDM reader VJFranzK takes the app for a spin. For a second opinion, we turn to a second walkthrough and review by DJ Irvghady.

Since this app is just ten bucks, odds are if you have a capable iPad (iPad 2 or the current model), you’ve already given it a try. So for existing iPad users, this is a chance to see how your opinion compares to theirs.

DJ Irvghady also gives the record function a go, and comments on quality:

I believe it records in 480P and It seems that the higher quality video (1080P) DOES indeed cause the recording to slow down a bit at some points. It is not that noticeable but for a few seconds you might get a black screen and transitions might slow down. I suggest sticking to max (720P) videos to mash. Hope Algoriddim fixes that in the future because I like 1080P video on my iPad 3.

Here’s that mashup, as produced with the record function:

(Boy, all these “dislikes” on YouTube – give these folks a break; the app’s barely been out a few days!)

Other readers using this with some impressions? (No need to shoot a video or make a mash-up to answer the question, though that’s welcome, too, naturally!)

Previously: vjay for iPad: 2-Channel VJ App Mixes, Mashes, and Even Records and Shares [Gallery]