We’ve seen lots of fancy projection maps, sculptural creations, and elaborate architectural facades.

But sometimes, you just want to get rid of those awful seams when using a couple of projectors. And that can make all the difference.

Enter Blendy. This friendly, simple Mac tool sits between two visual applications and gets rid of those seams. It simply blends two textures together, combining them using the inter-app visual texture tool called Syphon (the one we’ve been raving about so much lately).

Using multiple projectors (two is just the beginning), ideally the same model for matched brightness, you can line up multiple images. These days, you can easily run out of a dual- or triple-head setup off even a single laptop. Set up a source – like Modul8 or ArKaos – and an output, like MadMapper. Blendy does the blending to the texture so the projection image looks continuous.

Blendy is under development, so your mileage may vary, but it’s exquisitely-well documented and, thanks to Syphon, works with loads of Mac visual apps. (DIY tools like Processing and OpenFrameworks now work these days, too, not just VJ apps.)

We’ll be watching. Try it out, let us know how you do, and by all means, document your kick-ass visualist setup with video and photos so you can show it off to the planet.

Superior Brazilian engineering:


Cost, for now, is €33 – with a special Brazilian discount.