Robert Henke’s new album is out this month, and definitely counts among our anticipated albums of 2012. But what has not gotten wide coverage is the visual element of this upcoming performance, which will accompany the surround-sound tour of the show in audiovisual splendor from Slovenia to Portland. (We’ll be catching up with Robert, I expect, in Berlin at Berghain.) Dates below, along with the sound of the new record.

Monolake is getting visual support from none other than Holland-based artist Tarik Barri. In the teaser test above, his work glitches and pulses in a percussive, retina-firing opus, like a trip down your neurons. Tarik is doing great stuff merging optical representation and musical structure, as we saw recently on Create Digital Music:
Across the Universe: Mind-Blowing AV Performance Makes Music a Spacey Trip

Here, some of that same sense of visual-sonic parity is in abundance. Little wonder: the two have worked together before; see below for a video in which Tarik’s audiovisual engine interacts with Monolake’s live performance.

If you’re in Europe or North America, there’s a good chance you’ll get to see the whole thing in person, and not just read about it here:

February 18 Monolake Live Surround Belgium Brussels @ RecyclArt
February 29 Berlin @ Berghain with support by Shackleton (DJ set) Peverelist (DJ set)
March 1 UK London @ Fabric with support by Craig Richards (DJ set) Peverelist (DJ set)
March 9 NL Amsterdam @ 5DaysOff
March 17 Spain Madrid @ KlubbersDay
April 20 USA New York City @ Unsound Festival
April 28 USA Portland (tbc)
May 4 Slovenia (tbc)
June Canada Montreal @ MUTEK Festival (tbc)
July 6 Italy @ Dancity Folignio
July 7 UK London @ Bloc
September 29 Italy Bologinia @ Robot Festival (tbc)
* more concerts in other countries, on other continents, and in distant solar systems to be announced *

Details on Monolake’s site:

Self-describes “audiovisual composer,” blurring the lines between the two CDM sites in just the way we like:

The album preview:

And the live performance, using the Versum engine with both artists at Sonic Acts in 2010: