Projection tools in the wild: relief projection lab at Bit Teatergarasjen; photo (CC) hc gilje.

Projection mapping has been a running theme here, as visualists are dying to get their projections onto objects other than flat walls. If you’re ready to experiment and develop new material but have been intimidated by figuring out how to properly calibrate your projections, videoprojection tools is for you. This free Mac/Windows tool built in helps align videos with objects. It was built in Max/MSP/Jitter but runs whether or not you own Max thanks to the included runtime. (I’d love to port some of the same techniques to Processing! See also vvvv, as linked below.)

Not only can anyone try their hand at projecting onto objects with videoprojection tools, but a new v3 release brings some powerful new features:

  • 8 layer support
  • Cornerpin distortion
  • Advanced masking features
  • 8 individual video sources, 1 live video source, 1 draw source

This is on top of its extensive preset and sequencing system. Ready-to-use on your Mac OS X or Windows (XP/Vista) system, for free.

Free downloads, documentation, capture tool, video walkthrough, video tutorials, and more:
videoprojection tools

Below, a recent experiment projecting onto buckets on a snow-covered rooftop. Outdoor VJ parties tend to be associated with summertime, so it’s nice to see winter get a go. Bergen, Norway, eh? Now all this rooftop needs is a hot-tub and some vodka to keep warm. (But then, perhaps great visuals alone can warm our hearts.)

More on

snowlab, sketches (2009) from hc gilje on Vimeo.

Worth watching again:

shift v.2 (2008) from hc gilje on Vimeo.

Blocks of Light and Sound: A Mapped-Projection Audiovisual Sequencer
Projection Mapping Resource and Tutorial: How To Project On 3D Geometry with VVVV