Handclap designer from jkant on Vimeo.

Miss the Clapper ads? Want to randomize your music sounds by clapping your hands? (You! Kore! I demand you randomize my player! Make it so!)

Guiliano Cantini, an enterprising Pd (Pure Data) patcher, has done that with a simple patch routed to Kore Player. The combination is free and works on just about any OS. Silly, perhaps, but then it also demonstrates some of the fun you can have with performance rigs.

Naturally, this patch could be easily ported to Max/MSP and any MIDI-receiving software, not just Kore, but I do like this combination. I’ve written up some more details on how you can get this rig going your own using the downloadable, free patch, for our Kore site. (To my knowledge, Reaktor doesn’t have exactly the same sort of transient detection possibilities, so I think Pd is the right choice here.)

Hand Claps Randomizing Kore Settings, with Pd [kore+CDM]

Thanks, Guiliano! Keep this stuff coming.

Previously in free Pd patching adventures:
How to Turn Theremin into MIDI, Free with Pd