From top: a simple, accessible creation by Eoin – now just imagine this pulsing around and some effects and you’ve got a VJ project, too. And a video shows Google really is hoping to bring 3D to the masses. Visualists entering the world of 3D face a major hurdle: making 3D models. Google SketchUp is […]
On Demand: CDM Winter 2008, with Gift Guide, Bending and Slicing Tutorials, More
“What if, instead of targeting Web content to a single day, you turned it into an object that would last a season? What would you want to save and savor?” That’s the question I ask at the beginning of the Create Digital Music Winter 08 guide. We’ve filled it with good stuff we love, plus […]
Reminder: Handmade Music Tonight, Live in Brooklyn, Online on Etsy
It’s Handmade Music Night here in New York! There’s still a couple of spaces in the optical Theremin Beep-It workshop with Mike Una – just pay on-site – and a number of really interesting projects from electronic glocks to bicycle turntables to networked and floating musical objects. In Brooklyn: 7:30-10p tonight (Thursday) 3rd Ward gallery/artist […]
Psychosynth: Free 3D Music Interface, as a Virtual Reactable
The idea of the Reactable is to make music tangible, with control of sound mapped to physical objects you move around on a table. But that hasn’t stopped the Psychosynth from creating a virtual version. (Upside: it’s a lot more portable.) Psychosynth Watch the video, but they seem to have made the opening minutes as […]
Handmade Music Thurs: Ink Jet Robots, Electronic Glocks, and More Workshop Slots
Surveying toys at a previous Handmade Music night. Handmade Music, the monthly celebration of DIY musical instruments, electronics, and software hits its new home at East Williamsburg’s 3rd Ward tomorrow night, Thursday 12/11 7:30-10:30p. [Directions] Here’s a glimpse of a couple of the projects expected tomorrow night. If you’re not in the NYC area, you […]
Linger In Shadows: Demoscene Makes it to the PlayStation 3
I first saw Linger in Shadows on the Playstation Store Dashboard – the poster image was intriguing, and the game itself is only $2.99. Curious, I clicked through for more information… Holy crap. It’s Interactive Art. On my Playstation. The developers are Plastic, a Demoscene group from Poland. Gamespot UK reported on it earlier this […]
8-bit and Retro Holiday Cheer: Advent Calendar Albums, Casio and Coneheads
Kasio Kristmas from Jim McKenzie on Vimeo. Feeling a warm, holiday glow – or is that just nostalgia for simpler times, times when less digital information was needed to capture sound? Bits were real bits; sampling rates were low enough you could count to the top of them. Kids walked uphill through the snow both […]
Free Reaktor-Based Motion Recorder, Works with Spark (and Other Stuff)
Native Instruments Spark plus Blackbox from Create Digital Media on Vimeo. Hands-on control is a wonderful thing, as NI founder and Reaktor “mastermind” Stephan Schmitt noted in our story yesterday on his creation Spark. And LFOs are often not terribly interesting. But even using your feet for modulation, you may eventually run out of limbs. […]
Quick Tip: Batch Share Videos with Youtube's Multi-Video Upload
I’ve been uploading loads of videos to Youtube recently, a job which has been made considerably easier by the ‘tube’s Multi-Video Upload feature, which I thought I’d share in case any other CDMsters are still laboring away in Single-Video Upload land. It requires Google Gears, which in turn requires Firefox, but neither of those should […]
AutoTune: The Song, a $99 Version (Hide!), and Some History
AutoTune, easily the most famous software plug-in in history – one even the general public has heard of – continues to reach mainstream, viral audiences. But the surprise is, originally its number crunching powers were applied to geology, oil, and pipelines, not bad vocalists. (Sadly, the latter are a more renewable resource.) This week, the […]