This is a bound book you can build into a complete modular system

Like something out of a (nerdy) magician’s library, Build Your Own Modular is a physical, ring-bound book that transforms into a complete Eurorack modular system. It’s both a printed instructional document and the thing you’re building — all in one.

The yellow plastic case of a Roland P-6 pocket drum machine opened up, revealing the factory PCB board and mods with speaker and amplifier circuit.

Hack a Roland P-6 pocket sampler with its own amp and speaker

It’s a drum machine. It’s a sampler. It’s got a rechargeable battery. It’s got… some space inside the case. So hacker DIYDSP (Noah Vawter) added his own amp and speaker, modding the handheld with the self-contained speaker Roland left out.

Peter Kirn - December 16, 2024

Ableton Move guide: tips, tricks, questions answered, hacks

Move, the all-new compact all-in-one hardware platform from Ableton, got your attention – whether you loved it, hated it, or just weren’t sure. So here’s still more detail on Move: what it can do, what it can’t, how it compares, and some tips and hacks for getting more out of it even at v1.1.

Peter Kirn - October 18, 2024

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