You deserve some instant ambience – ready to pour over your sounds like so much maple syrup. Hell, yeah – and download this now, as it’s free only in December.

AudioThing have been busy, busy with their very attractive range of plug-ins focusing especially on both some exotic digital effects and analog recreations. (Plus they did that Soviet wire recorder echo with Hainbach – reminder link below.)

I’ll say it again: I love free things not only because they … you know, don’t require money … but also because they give developers the freedom to focus on something specific, and not a bunch of knob creep.

“Things” promises to be “a series of smaller plugins covering a wide range of effects, focused on sound design and creativity.” The price of this plug-in will eventually be 19 EUR – meaning more of that simplicity I’m talking about – but the intro is free.

Texture is really, really simple – a bit like vintage hardware that never existed.

There’s a simple granular sampler running, and a reverb, and a dial between the two. Get raw granular textures by turning the dial to GRAINS, go for more blurred cave ambient by cranking up to REVERB, or find somewhere in between. There’s a simple pitch octave switch (something I always find myself adding to granular patches in Pd, actually).

And there’s also in addition to the MIX control a Mid/Side mode. That routes the granular effect to just the left/ride sides, while keeping the reverb across the stereo field.

I’m sure there’s a Reaktor or Max for Live device that does what this does but… it’s just so pretty. I almost want to change into a nice sweater just to touch it.

So have at it – 64-bit Windows and Mac support, VST2, VST3, AAX, AU (Mac), and it’s even Universal 2 Binary for macOS, so native for Apple Silicon. Simple activation scheme, too.

Ooh, wait – free, and it is native to M1. Looks like we just found a new plug-in to use for benchmarks. I see a lot of Things
