
What differentiates visual performance and live visuals is the notion of composing imagery in time – producing structures that flow in the way music does. Vezér is an app that focuses solely on the control and temporal aspects of visuals, by providing facilities for you to construct compositions of envelopes. We last checked in with the software back in May, but a flurry of development has brought a stable, public release and other updates.

The Mac-only app is just for control – via MIDI and OSC, using tracks full of arranged control. True to its visual focus, the emphasis is on keyframes, with various forms of interpolation. And there are all the usability features you’d want – unlimited undo, copy and paste between tracks, and the like.

In the new updates, you can control BPM with MIDI and OSC, invert keyframes by time or value, and take advantage of various stability and accuracy improvements.

I’m really keen to see how people make use of this. The idea itself isn’t new, but I can’t think of anything that has this sort of implementation. (IanniX is incredibly powerful, and works well for music timing, too, but Vezér looks friendlier to the kinds of applications I imagine visual artists might use.)

US$79 or on sale now for $56. There’s also a save-disabled demo version.
1.02 Update Blog Post

Screenshots courtesy the developer. Thanks to everyone who sent this in.
