NOVAK 3D DISCO™ EVENT SAMPLER from Novak Collective on Vimeo.

It appears Novak have hit on a winning formula for making live audiovisuals more complete and more immersive. The 3D glasses are just one part of that; they’re adding dimension to their parties in more ways than one.

Toby Harris sends along this reel of their parties, along with some rave reviews. I’ll share what he says as I haven’t yet been fortunate enough to see their show:

It’s a story about a collective of VJs coming together to overcome the randomness of all-night wallpaper vjing by putting in the work and creating instead a really high quality product, a “thing”. And it’s worked: they’re being booked all around the world. They often have to split up to do simultaneous gigs in different places. I saw their latest gig where they got to what they called a real v1.0 of their a/v set. Thats a year of development for a cohesive set, on top of years of building up a library of 3D loops, not just a vj doing something alongside a dj and calling it av.

I think it’s an inspirational tale on all fronts, and something that would be a kick-up the arse for a lot of people.

The gig rig, says Toby: Ableton Live with custom Max for Live patches for audio-to-visual communication, Modul8 as the live visual software, and DVI output.

It sounds great. And 3D could prove to be for more than just Avatar; I fully expect to see those more sophisticated glasses at a party soon.

Next Projection Frontier, Going 3D? Head Tracking, Stereoscopy